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Mississippi Delta Community

Posted 10 months ago by Gabriel Ibarra

The MAPA board members would like to reach out this holiday season and help support the Delta Health Center that provides services and care for children.  

The Delta Health Center is the nation's oldest rural federally qualified health center (FQHC) serving some of the most vulnerable families in Mississippi and the United States. Presently our pediatrics clinic is in need of donations necessary for helping families with costs that are rarely covered by insurance optimally. This includes emergency spacers for inhalers, lotions for eczema, pedialyte, newborn mucus suction devices, toothbrushes, diaper rash paste, diapers/baby wipes, transportation assistance and many other supports that have been life-changing for children & families who otherwise would not have the financial means in our community that has the highest childhood poverty in the United States.
Please consider donating to our Patient Assistance Fund and specifically designating "PEDIATRICS" in your gift donation as 100% of the funds go directly to supporting children and families. 
Here is the link:
For questions or more information, please feel free to reach out to DHC Pediatrician Dr. Braveen Ragunanthan (